
Friday, July 10, 2015

What takes 18 processes, lots of colors, countless hours, many days, lots of love, and one set of hands to complete?
An Original Little Craft Cottage Pattern

1.Come up with an idea in my minds eye.
2.Draw design on paper
3.Draw out rough draft pattern pieces
4.Cut out pattern pieces
5.Choose fabric, either from my stash or visiting some Quilt shops
6.Wash fabrics
7.Place pattern pieces on fabric and cut out fabric pieces
8.Sew together while jotting instructions on scrap paper
9.Type up instructions in terms everyone including new sewers and crafters can follow and completely understand
10.Re-draw professional drafted pattern pieces, create a pattern cover
11.Take professional looking photos of finished items
12.Print out the completed pattern
13.Choose another fabric
14.Cut and sew a new item using this completed pattern & instructions
15.Print out the pattern & instructions many times over
16.Print out many photos
17.Glue photos to pattern covers
18.Fold and place in bags for distribution
And this my friends, can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks. According to how much life gets in the way during all these steps of the process.